Worthington, OH

Worthington, OH

7227 North High Street, Worthington, OH 43085  |  614-885-7437

Sunday - Thursday : 11am - 9pm
Friday & Saturday : 11am - 10pm

The hours posted are the earliest that we will close our doors.

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Worthington sits on the northern most edge of Ohio’s capital. Pies & Pints in Worthington crafts fresh pizza from locally-sourced ingredients that always go above and beyond expectations.

Those north of Columbus or in Westerville will appreciate the top-of-the-line pizza and beer selection Worthington has to offer.

Pies & Pints in Worthington is located in the southwest quadrant of I-270 and Route 23, ten minutes north of downtown Columbus and a short drive to the Columbus Zoo. We’re located in the Shops at Worthington Place (formerly Worthington Square Mall). Stop by to spend lunch, dinner or happy hour on our year-round patio. GET SOME!